There are 80 videos in the "Decision-Making" collection

John Abbott, CEO, Yoga Journal
Synopsis:New CEO must address conflict with existing managers.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Anne Mulcahy, CEO, Xerox
Synopsis:Reflections on turnaround at Xerox.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Elie Antoun, CEO,
Synopsis:CEO is challenged by company founders who question his authority.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Elie Antoun, CEO,
Synopsis:Founder tests new CEO's authority by trying to fire critical employee without just cause.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Jeff Clarke, CEO, KQED
Synopsis:CEO responds to an unexpected budget shortfall with an unusual decision-making approach.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Jacqueline Novogratz, CEO, Acumen Fund
Synopsis:Non-profit manager describes a situation where careful listening was simply not enough.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Globalization |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Marene Allison, Officer, U.S. Army
Synopsis:When faced with an emergency, it is critical for the leader to know their people to make the appropriate decisions without time to think.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Nicole Blatt, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:An Air Force officer lobbies outside her chain of command for the adoption of a new weapon to protect soldiers.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Innovation, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Nicole Blatt, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:An Air Force officer must convince her stubborn superiors to launch a high-tech system aimed at saving lives.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Dick Kovacevich, Chairman, Wells Fargo
Synopsis:It is important to not allow personal relationships interfere with professional decisions. A leader must always do the right thing.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

N.R. Narayana Murthy, CEO, Infosys
Synopsis:As a leader it is important to be transparent and consistently open about decisions.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Deborah Nelson, SVP Marketing, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:VP discusses the factors affecting change in an organization.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Deborah Nelson, SVP Marketing, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Listening is a skill which will determine a team's ability to function at a high level.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Sales/Marketing |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jeffrey Bewkes, CEO, Time Warner
Synopsis:Executive with a strictly business background grapples with how to lead creative members of his team.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Innovation, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:General talks about the importance of after action reports for successful missions and operations.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Rebecca Halstead, General, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army General sets goals which guide her leadership strategy and balances the risk of losing a soldier in combat.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Roger Deromedi, CEO, Kraft
Synopsis:CEO shares the importance of being transparent and consistent when dealing with people at all levels of the organization.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Roger Deromedi, CEO, Kraft
Synopsis:CEO shares how it is important to maintain perspective in spite of disagreements or minor frustrations.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Nancy Barry, President, Women's World Banking
Synopsis:Unity in an organization is important and should be prioritized since it will impact the strategy.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Webb McKinney, EVP, Hewlett Packard
Synopsis:Executive discusses key considerations and processes used to pull off the HP-compaq merger.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Mergers and Acquisitions |

Kent Thiry, CEO, DaVita
Synopsis:Charismatic CEO's visibility becomes a liability in the eyes of his team.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Claire Alexander, VP, Digital Strategy & Operations, Discovery Communications
Synopsis:A bright, young staffer learns the importance of valuing both facts and personal relationships in a high-level meeting.
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Subject Area: | Career Development, Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Roy Gilbert, Director, User Operations & Policy, Google
Synopsis:The general manager of a fast-growing division confronts the limits of a hands-on style.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Globalization, Operations |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Marten Mickos, former CEO, MySQL
Synopsis:A giant rival’s surprise move tests the mettle of a small company’s executive team.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Innovation |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Brian Helmick, Co-founder & President, Algentis
Synopsis:A startup manager faces hard choices when he realizes he hired the wrong person for a key position.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Kate Surman, Administrator, academic medical center
Synopsis:A manager must shift gears when a performance review with a volatile employee takes an emotional turn.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Michael Marks, Former Chairman & CEO, Flextronics
Synopsis:A CEO's decision will cost him either $100 million or a major customer.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Ethics, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:CEO must adjust priorities and organizational focus to better align with the mission.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:Officer clearly sees a problem in the organizational culture but is not in a position to directly make changes.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:Naval Officer struggles with whether or not to enforce the military policy that does not align with her personal values.
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Subject Area: | Career Development, Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:Military Officer must understand the cultural dynamics and then drive change for a positive impact from diversity.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Diversity |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:Military Officer must decide whether or not to follow her Commander's orders when she disagrees with his decision.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Operations |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Kate Richardson, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:National Park Service Superintendent must unify a disparate organization that lacks common focus, branding, mission, and vision.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Nicole Malachowski, Officer, United States Air Force
Synopsis:Female pilot is confronted by man who does not want to see her or any women flying fighter aircraft.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Brian NeSmith, CEO, Blue Coat
Synopsis:CEO must determine how to proceed when he disagrees with the advise of his Board.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Andrew Brandt, Business Manager, Green Bay Packers - NFL
Synopsis:NFL Team Manager must negotiate with Brett Favre, a talented football player, to join the Green Bay Packers.
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Subject Area: | Career Development, Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Developing Leaders |

Deanna Won, Officer, Air Force
Synopsis:Officer must determine how to proceed when supervisor makes a decision that would present a clear conflict of interest.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Ethics, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |

Rosalind Kainyah, Company President, DeBeers Inc.
Synopsis:Vice President must manage challenging international negotiations while leading and motivating her team of worker bees and self motivators.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Human Resources, Operations, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain, Strategy |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Rosalind Kainyah, Company President, DeBeers Inc.
Synopsis:Vice President must manage team member who was denied her executive level job.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics, Human Resources, Operations, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources, Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Bob Barbee, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:National Park Service Superintendent must determine whether or not to support a fire team leader who determines it is necessary to jeopardize a pristine part of the park resource in the effort to limit a forest fire’s advance.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Power and Politics, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Paul Bud Bucha, Medal of Honor Recipient, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain must confront overwhelming odds and overcome fear, fatigue, and ambiguity.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Ethics, Operations, Power and Politics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Gayle Hazelwood, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Leader must turn around an under-performing team after arriving to a new job.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jim Haynes, Sr. Vice President, Bechtel Corp
Synopsis:Senior Vice President must bring together two culturally different teams to perform on a very ambitious project under great pressure.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions, Operations, Strategic Management |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Operations/Supply Chain, Strategy |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Paul Bud Bucha, Medal of Honor Recipient, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army Captain must handle a direct report who he had informally promoted, but was later confronted.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Human Resources |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Frank Dean, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent must address fiscal issues that have a ripple effect on his organization.
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Subject Area: | Finance/Accounting, Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Frank Dean, Superintendent, National Park Service
Synopsis:Superintendent must voice discord with local officials about participation in high profile event.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Marty Evans, Admiral and CEO, U.S Navy, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross
Synopsis:CEO struggles with whether or not to fund disaster relief when the non-profit organization is financially constrained.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Carol Daniels, CEO, ATP
Synopsis:A publishing company CEO wrestles with how to treat a senior executive responsible for an avoidable business disaster.
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Subject Area: | Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Prince Kofi Amoabeng, Founder and CEO, UT
Synopsis:African CEO must determine how to balance family loyalties with business.
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Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Strategic Management, Work/Life Balance, Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Anne Marie Burgoyne, Managing Director, Social Innovation, Emerson Collective
Synopsis:Board member must determine how to enable a Non-Profit to better function through it's Board of Directors.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Operations, Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Anne Marie Burgoyne, Managing Director, Social Innovation, Emerson Collective
Synopsis:Board Member of Non-Profit must determine how to advise and handle a leader who may be undermining organization's efficiency and success.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | Consulting, General Management |
Industry: | Non-Profit |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Paul Bud Bucha, Medal of Honor Recipient, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Army leader must overcome his own fears and uncertainty to lead decisively and courageously through overwhelming odds.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Connie Matsui, EVP, Innovation, Biogen Idec
Synopsis:Manager oversees complex drug-development project despite her lack of technical background.
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Subject Area: | Innovation, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Innovation |

Nicole Blatt, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force
Synopsis:An Air Force officer campaigns for the adoption of a new weapon that will protect soldiers in Iraq.
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Subject Area: | Innovation, Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Innovation |

Rob Siegel, General Manager, Video Software and Solutions, GE Security
Synopsis:Given the changing landscape of technology, the marketing data showed a need for product evolution in spite of the large company’s resistance to change its processes for a new product development.
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Subject Area: | Innovation, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | General Management, R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Products & Retail, High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Innovation |

Prince Kofi Amoabeng, Founder and CEO, UT
Synopsis:African CEO must overcome difficult regulations and limitations imposed by the government for his business.
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Subject Area: | Operations, Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Innovation |

Kate Surman, Administrative Director, South Bay Cancer Center at Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Synopsis:A leader works to better understand the patient experience and design a new method of care.
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Subject Area: | Innovation, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Innovation |

Jason Rosenthal, CEO, Lytro
Synopsis:The CEO struggles with how to align his resources to optimize the market and evolving technology.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Innovation, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Innovation |

Trae Vassallo, Investor and General Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
Synopsis:A senior executive constantly challenges herself to learn new things with her family.
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Subject Area: | Work/Life Balance, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | Finance/Accounting |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Work-Life Integration |

Trae Vassallo, Investor and General Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
Synopsis:A senior executive focuses her time on either her work or family and manages her time to limit distractions.
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Subject Area: | Work/Life Balance, Decision-Making, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Fitting In and Standing Out |

Dana Bloom, VP & General Manager of Keep Collective, Stella and Dot
Synopsis:A senior leader talks about how she works to build relationships in ways that matter.
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Subject Area: | Work/Life Balance, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Work-Life Integration |

Fran Maier, Founder and CEO, Various Ventures
Synopsis:Senior leader talks about how she missed opportunities because she did not appreciate her abilities.
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Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Work/Life Balance, Decision-Making, Career Development, Entrepreneurship |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | Consulting |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | What I Wish I Knew |

Fran Maier, Founder and CEO, Various Ventures
Synopsis:A woman entrepreneur must often prove “she is hungry enough” to be an entrepreneur because she does not fit the stereotype.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Fitting In and Standing Out |

Connie Matsui, EVP, Innovation, Biogen Idec
Synopsis:Former Chairman of the Girl Scouts and Vice President of Biogen Idec shares three insights that guide her in life.
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Subject Area: | Innovation, Decision-Making, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | R&D/Product Development |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Work-Life Integration |

Alex Jensen, Marketing Executive, BP
Synopsis:Manager must lead by example by communicating effectively while managing her team from home.
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Subject Area: | Operations, Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Ethics, Work/Life Balance, Conflict |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management, Sales/Marketing, Strategy |
Industry: | Products & Retail, Services |
Leadership topic: | Managing Boss and Expectations |

Nicole Malachowski, Officer, United States Air Force
Synopsis:Female Officer must overcome the lack of confidence in her abilities because she is a woman.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | Operations/Supply Chain |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Managing Boss and Expectations |

Juan-Carlos Ruck, VP, Sales, Pepsico
Synopsis:A young manager must devise a comeback after a disastrous first five months on the job.
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Subject Area: | Work/Life Balance, Decision-Making, Career Development |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | Sales/Marketing |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Andrew Brandt, Business Manager, Green Bay Packers - NFL
Synopsis:Team Manager must decide how to handle a talented player with a bad attitude without jeopardizing the team culture of the Green Bay Packers.
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Subject Area: | Conflict, Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Josh Golomb, General Manager, DaVita
Synopsis:Golomb must resolve a strategic dispute with his boss when a division they launched runs into trouble.
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Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship |
Leadership Role: | |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Peter Loescher, CEO, Siemens
Synopsis:New CEO must build a culture of accountability to change the way business is done after a scandal.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Power and Politics, Decision-Making, Globalization |
Leadership Role: | Executive (C-Level) |
Business Function: | General Management, Strategy |
Industry: | Services |
Leadership topic: | Leading Change |

Brian NeSmith, CEO, Blue Coat
Synopsis:CEO squares off with an employee who has critical skills but cannot work with others.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | High Tech |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Debra Reisenthel, CEO, Novasys
Synopsis:CEO debates whether to share news that may soon cripple the company fearing her team's motivation will fade in the interim.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Bob Holden, former General Manager, (eBay)
Synopsis:A young manager must motivate a team with numerous performance issues in order to achieve lofty growth targets.
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Subject Area: | Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Products & Retail, Services |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Lisa Dawe, Division VP, DaVita
Synopsis:A management trainee takes over an under-performing clinic with a staff unaccustomed to solving problems.
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Subject Area: | Operations, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Becoming a Leader |

Kent Thiry, CEO, DaVita
Synopsis:CEO confronts a brilliant new manager who is not fitting in.
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Subject Area: | Human Resources, Conflict, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Board Level |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Healthcare |
Leadership topic: | Difficult Conversations |

Jack Jacobs, Medal of Honor Recipient and Business Leader, U.S. Army, Financial Companies, and Philanthropic Organizations
Synopsis:Leading a small squad in a war zone, Jacobs encounters a surprise attack and must decide how to proceed without guidance, despite having little experience and everything at stake.
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Subject Area: | Strategic Management, Conflict, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Taking Charge |

Will Swenson, Medal of Honor Recipient and Military Officer, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Medal of Honor recipient shares the importance of being immersed with his team to motivate others while balancing emotions tied to fear, anger, risk, and sacrifice.
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Subject Area: | Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Motivating Teams |

Jack Jacobs, Medal of Honor Recipient and Business Leader, U.S. Army, Financial Companies, and Philanthropic Organizations
Synopsis:When promoted to Managing Director, Jacobs must decide whether or not to take a large office, a decision which would reinforce his status and position but isolate him from his team.
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Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Financial |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Will Swenson, Medal of Honor Recipient and Military Officer, U.S. Army
Synopsis:Medal of Honor recipient shares how mutual respect, honesty, and curiosity are critical to building trust for establishing partnerships.
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Subject Area: | Power and Politics, Decision-Making |
Leadership Role: | Senior Manager (VP-level) |
Business Function: | Strategy |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Vision, Values, and Culture |

Jack Jacobs, Medal of Honor Recipient and Business Leader, U.S. Army, Financial Companies, and Philanthropic Organizations
Synopsis:Taking on a new leadership position, an Army Officer must decide whether or not to replace a well-respected, senior leader who comes to work drunk.
View Categories
Subject Area: | Conflict, Decision-Making, Ethics |
Leadership Role: | Middle Manager |
Business Function: | General Management |
Industry: | Military/Government |
Leadership topic: | Making Ethical Decisions |